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Hound Association of Scotland Limited Show 2018 Critique

I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge and to the stewards for their expert and attentive assistance. I would also like to thank the exhibitors for their entry and for turning up on such a hot day.

J (8,2)

1, MacBean’s  Kaleginy Plaid. Fifteen month old dog with a masculine head, a dark hazel eye and good ear placement. The neck felt strong and overall the hound had well defined muscle. Good shoulder placement, front legs nice and straight. The body showed depth, the top line good, with a nice rise over the loin leading into a shapely croup and seamless tail set. The hindquarters showed good angulation. Moved with plenty of drive, true both coming and going with good reach in profile.

2, Gillie’e Dorrator Eno. Six month old brindle bitch. A very happy puppy with a feminine head, super expression, a dark eye and ears well set on and neatly folded.  Good bone with a lovely curvy outline, the shoulders were well placed, nice rise over the loin and lowish hocks. Behaved reasonably well for such a youngster and moved soundly both in profile and coming and going. BP.

3, Jackson’s Killoeter Unique

N (1,0)

1, Harte’s Ardneish Poet. Two year old lightish grey well muscled dog. Masculine head, ears well set and held correctly, nice dark eye with dark pigmented rims. Good shoulder placement, reasonable length of body and a well bent stifle.
PG (4,2)

1, Heap’s Leoch Jamie of Fintalloch. A very happy and waggy four year old. Tall, solid, well built, light grey and full coated dog. Masculine head with dark eyes and dark ears which contrasted well with the lighter coat. Good muscle, deep in the body and covered a lot of ground stacked.

2, Lindsay’s Celticmoon Shadow Huntress at Silverthyme.  Four and a half year old bitch. Darker grey than 1, well presented, dark eyed with neat ears. Solid and well muscled. Looked good in profile with a deep chest, good length of body, a well bent stifle and low set hocks. Lost out because she did not move as positively as 1 on this hot summer day.

O (6,2)

1, Swanson’s Cotherstone Brogue of Altimarlach. Five year, ten month old bitch.
Well-proportioned hound with a dark grey crisp coat. Dark eyes. Nice ear set. Strong neck with plenty of reach. Good shoulder placement, front legs straight. Deep chested. A pleasing rise over the loin but definitely not over exaggerated. I would have preferred more tuck up.  Stifle well angulated with low hocks. Movement was sound. BoB.

2, Heap’s Leoch Juniper of Fintalloch. Four year old bitch.  Another well-proportioned, fit dark grey hound with a crisp coat.  Very feminine head with a lovely expression, correct ears, neatly folded and hazel eyes with dark rims. Good front and more length than 1 also with a better tuck up. Movement was good both in profile and coming and going showing plenty of drive.

3, Mckinnon’s  Almondbank Real Deal McNeil for Fingon

Duncan Robertson